Appreciation from readers who have already enjoyed "For The Love Of Hounds"
"A must read for any dog lover",
"I'm on chapter 7 and I'm totally hooked. When I read it, it is your voice I hear in my head",
"Had me laughing one minute and crying the next! Not many books can do that",
"An excellent read"
Soooo? Sat down after attending work & dance class at around 11.30pm, it is now 12.40am, I have smiled, I have chuckled, but most importantly, I have sobbed!!!! My word I can't put it down!!!! I really do need to turn in now so, alas, I must save "Izzy" until tomorrow........ Oh my word, I love it!!! A truly magnificent read, thankyou for putting pen to paper, you are truly amazing!!!!
Lovely book, written from the heart.
It’s absolutely adorable and full of lovely pictures and stories.
"Started reading your book. The Ruby chapters made me cry. Not many authors do that. It's a page turner"
"It flows beautifully"
"It makes you laugh and cry"
Didn't get a moment to say earlier, but I've read the first part of your lovely book, just finished Ruby’s story. What a beautiful little girl she was, and so special. I'd heard her mentioned a few times in the past, but never knew of her story until now. I absolutely love the book so far. I'm the kind of person that really struggles to read usually, but you have such a way with words, it makes each page a joy to read and you just want to read more!
The chapters were such a small insight to Ruby’s life but the way you portray her and put across her little ways, her character and behaviours.. It draws you in, as a reader, I felt a real connection to her by the time the part was over.. Could almost imagine her in front of me as I read.. It’s surreal but I think tantamount to how beautifully it’s written. I find it so rare to come across a book like that, a book that’s thought provoking to the point where you feel like you're in it just from how the words are expressed.. So sorry to read of the way she left you, to lose any dog is devastating enough, I can't imagine how it must have been to lose her so suddenly. How much she means to you is unmistakable in your writing, you can feel it..
Just finished reading For the Love of Hounds this morning wonderful book you should be very proud not only for the book but for the obvious passion you and Paul have for your family of dogs. I would not be at all surprised if I meet you out walking with 5 dogs one day! I feel humble.....
Tracey Thank you so much for getting your book to me so quickly. We went on holiday Monday and I took it with me expecting it to last me until we got home today but I couldn't put it down and finished it Tuesday! It is so wonderful. I cried and I laughed. We too have a whippet and a lurcher at the moment and have had 3 lurchers and a whippet before. 2 of them were taken from us in tragic circumstances but your book has helped me think of the good times and try not to focus on the ending so much. Thank you xxx
Book finished----LOVED IT! Didn’t even mind when I cried my eyes out really! Hope there will be more to follow. Job well done. x